
Let Down Your Nets Again


There’s a profound beauty in heeding the call of Christ, chasing our dreams, or simply working towards making ends meet, even when the fruits of our labor aren’t immediately visible. We labor tirelessly, day and night, holding onto the faith that eventually, our efforts will be rewarded.

Embracing our calling often means continuing what we’ve always done. Long before I dedicated my life to Christ, earned my counseling degree, or penned my debut novella, I was already engaging with people, discussing their challenges, crafting poems, and short stories, and encouraging women to reach for the stars. My initial drive post-conversion was a simple desire to deepen my relationship with Him.

The activities I engaged in before didn’t seem like ministry work at the time. I often found myself investing in others without tangible proof of my efforts, save for the exhaustion that followed. I was weary, drained, and at my breaking point when Jesus made His presence known in my life.

There came a time when all I yearned for was to earn a living and serve God’s kingdom through my local church. This didn’t include mentoring women, lending an ear, or dispensing advice. Instead, I chose to help with cleaning, singing (though I’m no vocalist, I sing with joy), and supporting my leaders in any way possible.

Fortune smiled upon me with a job opportunity to work with troubled teenage girls. The praise team, composed of young women, naturally gravitated towards me. Despite my efforts to maintain boundaries, I found myself leading a ministry for at-risk teen girls and single mothers.

I poured my heart into this ministry, yet it seemed fruitless. My girls were drifting away from their teachings, leaning on me with their issues, yet reluctant to utilize the tools provided. My resources dwindled as I lost my job, leaving me exhausted once more.

I was on the verge of giving up when the Lord’s voice pierced through my despair, “You cannot escape this calling.” At that very moment, my phone rang with an invitation to speak at a youth conference. Reluctantly, and out of respect for my leader, I accepted. It was my inaugural speech to an audience beyond our congregation or the youth I had previously ministered to.

This experience transformed my ministry. Numerous young women found their way to Christ. My ministry soared to new heights, and my spirit underwent a profound transformation. God knows precisely when to urge us to venture into the deep and cast our nets.

He approaches us as we clean our nets, overwhelmed by despair and frustration. Yet, He doesn’t focus on our weariness; He sees our hearts. He knows whether we possess the love and passion for others to persevere, even when there’s no immediate reward, simply out of devotion to His word. 🕊️

2 thoughts on “Let Down Your Nets Again”

  1. Thanks for this encouraging message. It inspires me to keep pressing on and doing what God has called me to. As we walk in obedience, He will open the right doors along the way. 💕

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