
Take the time to read this inspiring article of one woman’s amazing journey to forgiveness.

Woman 2 Woman Magazine


It seems cliché to say that no one is promised tomorrow. But when you’ve stared down the barrel of a gun; it makes that statement more realistic than not.

I know firsthand the feeling of not knowing whether or not I was down to the last seconds of my life or at the beginning of my eternal rest. By the grace of God, a premature end to my life was not God’s plan; his plan was for me to share my story.

I will never forget the night that my dignity was stolen. The robbery is so vivid in my mind, it could have been yesterday. I was an excited nineteen year old, moving in to an apartment with my best friend. We’d signed the lease and gotten the keys earlier that day to apartment number 2242. She and I decided there was only one rule to live by;

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